On November 4, 2014, The State of Washington issued the first bid by a state which included all-electric buses. Contact #09214 for Heavy duty buses which included Electric plug-in, Electric en-route, Diesel, CNG, and Hybrid Electric was awarded on July 24, 2015.
GreenPower was successfully awarded six categories:
The original solicitation for Bid #09214 states that over the term of the contract for all 32 categories including the 6 above. According to the Stage of Washington, it is estimated that the contract could reach up to 800 buses at approximately $480 million dollars.
On February 26, 2016, GreenPower announced its first sale under this contract being an EV250 all-electric transit bus to Twin Transit Agency, a public transportation provider in the State of Washington. Twin Transit is looking at acquiring up to four all-electric transit buses over the next few years.